Concept consulting by trekking

How a hiking philosophy helps you in getting the most from your business?

Thanks to a strong experience of hiking and trekking over the world, we help you in thinking of new ways to grow your business.

The unknown is often synonym with insecurity…but does the professionnal safety in which you live make you happy?

  • “Step by step” we work together as we walk with freedom, open minds and a slow but progressive approach.
  • Thanks to the power of walking in a natural environment, you’ll think about bringing more harmony to your own work & life philosophy.
  • A step by step walk will encourage introspection. You’ll put your feet on your thoughts ! (Toukaram XVIIe c.)


Workshops like basecamps in nature will help you write your project storyboard:

  • Thanks to the workshops in nature and refuges, we’ll write your ideas into a project and a digital business plan to make your business strong, positive, sustainable and off the beaten track.
  • Also, we’ll build together your team spirit thanks to a team building.


Why working and walking together?

Proven by the scientists and and my own strong experience in hiking and trekking:

  •   Walking gives freedom to think, to focus on essential thoughts or to take a thinking break!
  •   By rising above the clouds, you’ll develop your visionary thinking
  •   Walking improves a bird’s view faculty and develops creativity
  •   Walking improves relationships and a sense of belonging
  •   Walking reduces stress and prevents burn-out risks