how do we manage?

Where? We organize hiking and trekking sessions tailored to your needs and experience

  • Europe :
    • Paris area (the Fontainebleau forest)
    • The Alps, the Mont-Blanc area
    • The way to Santiago : From the Pyrenees mountains to Santiago


  • Asia : Nepal with Annapurna base camp & Everest base camp trekking, Manaslu & Langtang area


How does consulting by trekking work? For example, one day process:

1st step : Presentation of the session goals and the hiking route

2nd step : An hour walk without talking

3rd step : Workshop in nature in order to clarify your project ideas

4th step : An hour walk with ideas introspection

5th step : Lunch and personalized coaching
Convert your ideas into one project and draft a project profile in nature

6th step : An hour-walk while reflecting upon your project

7th step : Last workshop……next step is a business plan walk during 2 or three days