Our added-value

Helping you in running your company through its necessary digital transformation to foster long-term growth

Nicolas has a multi-disciplinary background in:

  • 20 years in business and digital projects management
  • 20 years of trekking experience (Federal trekking certificate)


A 360 ° business « route » to develop broad experience in: 

  • B to B business development
  • Marketing and global digital strategy
  • Management of internal and external teams
  • Conducting cross-functional projects using the Agile methodology while considering companies’ digital maturity and cross-cultural communications.


 Also, federal trekking guide after 20 years of trekking


Experience of Nicolas’ trekking routes with self organization:

  • Way to Santiago from Le Puy to Santiago and Cap Finistere
  • Alps (Ascent and tour of the Mont-Blanc, weeks of hiking in the Mont-Blanc area, Queyras,
  • Pyrenees
  • Nepal: 8 times trekking in Annapurnas, Manaslu, Everest and Langtang areas (Trekking from 10 to 20 days) – Also, social entrepreneurship in a trekking agency since 2008
  • Europe short hikes
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Indonesia volcanos
  • Ecuador (Cotopaxi Ascent)

A working and walking experience dedicated to new entrepreneurs, small and medium size companies which wonder about:

  • Thinking out of the box
  • Improving company welfare
  • Improving personal and collective audacity
  • Managing an inescapable challenge How can my company take advantage of the potential of the digital in my country and on a global scale?