Team building

We organize trekking team buildings in the Alps area

Team buildings benefits:

  • Improve morale and leaderships skills
  • Break the barriers that thwarts creativity
  • Clearly define objectives and goals
  • Improve processes and procedures
  • Improve organizational productivity
  • Identify a team’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Improve the ability to problem solve


Having been fascinated by walking for 20 years, I suggest organizing a Team Building in a refuge or a holiday farm


Why working and walking together?

  • To lead a new working philosophy
  • To feed the self-confidence
  • To solve the disagreements and the conflicts in the company
  • To develop the individual reflection, the questionings, the freedom of responsible action
  • To free the thought and develop the creativity
  • To cultivate the motivation and the sustainable enthusiasm
  • To give meaning to the direction! To know where we go individually without losing sight of the common objective


To promote ” slow management “ and a slow growth of your projects, strengthen the cohesion and increase your chances of success!


Let’s build with our technical partner your team spirit by walking!